2015: A Year of Prosperity

A week ago I was blessed to hear from a woman of inspiration, Dr. Kristin Kells, who said "When the 'Why' is big enough, the 'How' becomes easier"This is true in every aspect of our lives and whether you're on the journey to lose weight, save money, pay down debt, finish your degree or spend more time with family - establish your 'Why'. I say the year of prosperity because by definition it means to be successful, flourishing, or thriving - now doesn't that sound BETTER than plan old intention?! We've all heard the expression 'with the greatest intentions', which almost always precedes an explanation as to why said task didn't pan out.
It became very apparent this year that financial freedom was no longer negotiable in my Father's eyes, as He so gently picked me up on His lap I was comforted with the scripture 'all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God' (Romans 3:23) but the GOOD NEWS is 'with God all things are possible' (Matthew 19:26). In order for us to prosper we must realize our value in His eyes and it was in this moment that He gave me clarity through His word, 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding' (Proverbs 3:5).
Armed with His grace and everlasting love, we started to attack our debt with "gazelle intensity" as Dave Ramsey says. In Baby Step 2 of Dave's Financial Peace University he states to list your debts smallest to largest, I must say there was a bit of disbelief...with $67k in debt HALF of that was student loans! Am I the only one that hasn't viewed student loan debt as a REAL debt?! According to the experts...No, I am not! With the average student loan debt being $32,264 (Nerd Wallet), college graduates view their loans as a long-term commitment not as a high priority for pay off and I believe it! Since graduating in 2008, I have not viewed my student loans as DEBT. With deferments and income based repayment options available these loans are easily put on the back burner; however, that sure hasn't stopped them from racking up interest. That being said, using Dave's Debt Snowball Technique, we have been able to pay off 11 out of 23 accounts giving us GREAT momentum as we work toward the higher numbers in our lineup!

SO...what is my 'Why'? The four beautiful blessings that lean on me for everything in this world, my sweet children! How can I teach them to manage their money and to pay their debts when I myself carry debt over my head? Well, that's simple...I can't! As parents we are given the highest responsibility to our children, to 'train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it' (Proverbs 22:6). We should not think of financial freedom as something that comes when the kids are grown and off on their own, we should be thinking about right now! Living free from the burden of owing others is the best gift we can give to ourselves and our Father in Heaven, only then are we able to experience giving freely without hesitation and serving one another while being the 'light' to those around us as we live out His word.
Romans 13:8 says 'Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law'.
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